F5 Creative Studio Quarterly

Art Direction  +  Conception  +  project management

The Creative Studio Quarterly (CSQ) was born out of a desire to shed light on the role and value of the internal creative team at F5, and to share it with broader internal audiences. Each issue of the e-magazine highlights the Creative Studio’s work over the previous quarter with results (when possible) and links to the live assets (when available). In partnership with creative leadership, I designed a mark, content framework, system of templates, and a quarterly schedule for production.

publication Identity

I was tasked with designing a mark for the pub. After iterations of wordmarks and lettermarks, we landed on the above ligature. The rounded shape of each letterform lent well to joining them together into one strong mark.

issue covers

Each issue of CSQ includes images, videos, GIFs, web pages, swag, and more. Below are a selection of pages featuring projects I worked on using templates I designed. Additional CSQ content can be shared upon request.


A Force For


Isometric Illustration