2022 State of Application Strategy

Art Direction  +  lead designer

The State of Application Strategy Report (SOAS) is F5’s #1 thought leadership piece published each year. For the 2022 report, we took an updated approach from previous years—simplifying type styles, crafting intentional and content-specific illustrations, refreshing the color palette to account for accessibility, and utilizing the trademark F5 color band as a way-finding tool throughout each section. As the design lead, I established the creative direction for this year’s report, art directed the illustration work, and designed all pages cover-to-cover. I was also responsible for collaborating with stakeholders, writers, motion designers, social strategists, and creative leadership.


For the 2022 report, we explored an evolved approach to the F5 illustration style. Combining isometric and flat styles, we created illustrations that exemplify the report’s primary themes while showing the ever-increasing technical complexity that companies and users are experiencing every day.

All illustrations below were created by Kenzie Mahoskey.

the data

Each year, F5 analyzes survey results from over 1500 industry professionals on the topics of innovation, business objectives, digital transformation, and more. SOAS is the avenue through which F5 shares key takeaways, trends, predictions, and insights with technology leaders around the world.


The rollout of the global report encompassed a multi-platform promotion strategy, including web, email, paid media, and organic social. Below is a sample of the static and motion graphics that were used to promote the report across our owned corporate social channels.

Motion design by Jeff Alldridge and Jessica Eith.

the full report

The 2022 State of Application Strategy Report is available for download here and can also be viewed below.


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