2023 State of Application Strategy

Art Director  +  lead designer

The State of Application Strategy Report (SOAS) is F5’s #1 thought leadership piece published each year. For our 9th anniversary report in 2023, we wanted to refresh the 2022 report’s look and feel, without completely reinventing the wheel. To do so, we created a cleaner, more human-first illustration style and updated the color palette.

As the art director, I established the creative direction and visual theme for the report and its corresponding assets (social, motion, video, paid), oversaw all illustration efforts, and executed all design work. I worked closely with our copywriters and stakeholders to ensure that we were up-leveling our creative impact from previous years, all while emphasizing the future of hybrid IT.


For the 2023 report, we transitioned from isometric illustrations to flat. As an overall update to our F5 illustration style, we wanted to simplify comprehension, put users first, and add in abstract elements for additional texture and context.

All illustrations below were created in collaboration with Kenzie Mahoskey.

the data

Each year, F5 analyzes survey results from over 1500 industry professionals on the topics of innovation, business objectives, digital transformation, and more. SOAS is the avenue through which F5 shares key takeaways, trends, predictions, and insights with technology leaders around the world.

f5 insights

Each section of the report ends with the “F5 Insights.” Our writers highlight the key takeaways and action items from the data of each section so that our customers and partners know what the information means for them. For the design of these pages, I leaned further into our color-washed sections and added some illustrated elements that pull from the corresponding hero image.

the full report

The 2023 State of Application Strategy Report is available for download here and can also be viewed below.


Since the report is a somewhat lengthy read, we created an infographic that highlights all the key takeaways at a high level. I pulled in elements and styling from the report to keep it consistent, while adjusting charts and illustrated elements as needed.


F5 Social Media


Rachel Hodge Yoga